מדע וקפה: סלין אוה (Céline Hue)


Celine Hue, physicist at the Weizmann Institute
Tuesday February 22nd at 7 p.m
Dédé Bar, Uriel Da Costa st. 19 – Tel Aviv

The French Institute of Israel is pleased to announce that the Cafe des sciences will take place again in Tel Aviv in 2022! The concept of the event is simple: exploring a scientific topic in a friendly place where science enthusiasts, curious or lay people can discuss popular scientific questions with researchers and academic experts in the field. To restart this cycle of events, the French Institute of Israel chose to highlight “women in science” and to present the work of several women researchers in their fields of expertise. For the first meeting, the Institute will welcome the physicist Celine Hue on Tuesday February 22nd at 7 p.m. at the Dédé Bar in Tel Aviv.

The physicist Celine Hue will open this first session dedicated to « Women in science » and will share with us her research topic: infinitesimal. Celine is interested in the mysteries of the subatomic world, which refers to the particles smaller than an atom. Her research area, High Energy Physics, consists in studying the very smallest components of matter.

Following her PhD in École polytechnique in France, Celine joined the department of Complex Physics at the Weizmann Institute. With her rich career path, from China to France and then to Israel, Celine will present her current research work and most of all, its applications. She will also share her experience and daily life as a physicist in an environment with a majority of men.

Thank you to Dédé Bar which is welcoming us for this first edition of Café des Sciences.

מידע כללי

Celine Hue, physicist
Tuesday February 22 at 7 p.m
Dédé Bar, Uriel Da Costa st. 19 – Tel Aviv

Free admission – limited number of places
Please register by mail
Event in English