מדע וקפה : Flora Vincent – Tara Ocean expeditions – exploring the oceans


"Tara Ocean expeditions – exploring the oceans"
Flora Vincent, marine microbiologist at the Weizmann Institute
Tuesday May 10th at 7 p.m.
Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31, Tel Aviv

The French Institute of Israel keeps going on its “Café des Sciences” meetings on a monthly basis with a next event scheduled on May 10th, 2022 at the Kiosko in Tel Aviv with Flora Vincent, marine biologist at the Weizmann Institute. This meeting, in English, will provide an update on the results of the Tara Ocean expeditions – exploring the oceans, which aim at carrying out scientific missions focused on climate change and its impact on the marine ecosystem. The event will also welcome François Aurat, sailor on the Tara schooner.

The concept of “Café des Sciences” remains unchanged: to explore a scientific subject in a friendly place where science enthusiasts, curious people or neophytes can discuss scientific topics with researchers and academics experts in the field. Since it started in February, the French Institute chose for this cycle to put women in the spotlight and to invite female scientific researchers only. For this 4th meeting, the French Institute invited Flora Vincent who holds a PhD in marine microbiology from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and who is currently finishing her postdoc at the Weizmann Institute in the Department of Plant and environmental Sciences.

Flora is fascinated by marine microbes, the invisible majority that populates our oceans and plays a key role in our ecosystem, by producing oxygen, recycling carbon dioxide, and serving as the basis of the marine food chain. Her research has led her to board on the Tara schooner, which is carrying out several expeditions of Tara Ocean Foundation aimed at better understanding the marine ecosystem. In December 2021, Flora took therefore part in the scientific mission “Microbiomes” as a chief scientist.

Tara Ocean Foundation is the first foundation in France to be recognized as promoting the public interest and devoted to the ocean. It develops an innovative open science, aiming at enabling prediction and at better planning the impact of climate change. It relies on this very high level scientific expertise to raise awareness and educate young people or to mobilize political decision makers.

During this event, Flora will present the activities of the Tara Ocean Foundation, as well as her experience as a scientist throughout the several missions she took part in. Flora will also interact with François Aurat, who will talk about his own experience as a sailor on the Tara schooner.


מידע כללי

"Tara Ocean expeditions – exploring the oceans"
Flora Vincent, marine microbiologist at the Weizmann Institute
Tuesday May 10th at 7 p.m.
Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31, Tel Aviv

Free admission
Please register on cafedessciences1@gmail.com

Event in English