CAFÉ DES SCIENCES : Exploring the quantum


Exploring the quantum
A conversation with Jeremy Raskop, post-doctorate researcher at Weizmann Institute

Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, 7pm
Café Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31

Tiny but mighty
How can particles exist in multiple states at once? What is understood under the concept of 'quantum entanglement'? Franco-Israeli physician Jeremy Raskop, formed both at the Weizmann Institute and at the French CNRS, is the guest of our next Café des Sciences. In Kiosko’s cosy atmosphere, Jeremy will explain the strange but fascinating properties of quantum mechanics. From the techniques used to control these tiny particles to the new perspectives they imply in terms of innovation, this lecture will highlight a fascinating aspect of modern physics.

No previous knowledge in science or physics is needed: mere curiousity is required!

As part of the Institute's efforts to promote scientific excellence, the "Café des Sciences" aims at creating a space of common reflexion and dialogue around sciences and modern researches between passionate scientists and a broad audience. Following the footsteps of Einstein and Neils Bohr, Jeremy Raskop’s research has proved to be both striking and bold, as it opens the door to the possibility of developing a photonic quantum computer, a highly sought-after goal in both science and industry.

About Jeremy Raskop
Jeremy Raskop is a French-Israeli physicist, specialized in quantum mechanics. Since his childhood, he has lived between France and Israel. Jeremy finished high school in Israel and then returned to France to begin his higher education. He completed his doctorate in France, in the Kastler Brossel laboratory (LKB). This laboratory is a joint research unit between Ecole Normale Supérieure, Sorbonne University, and Collège de France and National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), which is considered as of one of the major players in the field of quantum physics. Jeremy then returned to Israel to continue his post-doctorate at the Weizmann Institute and now works in a start-up developing a quantum source of entrangled photons.

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מידע כללי

Exploring the quantum
A conversation with Jeremy Raskop, post-doctorate researcher at Weizmann Institute

Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, 7pm
Café Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31

Conversation held in english
Free entrance

Registration on line required