CAFÉ DES SCIENCES | Beyond Taste: social and political aspects of coffee


Beyond Taste: social and political aspects of coffee
A lecture by Israeli sociologist Noa Berger followed by a coffee tasting

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, 7pm
Café Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31

The French Institute of Israel welcomes, for its monthly 'Café des Sciences', Noa Berger, an Israeli sociologist, specialist of coffee from France and Brazil. Entitled "Beyond taste: political and social aspects of coffee", Noa Berger's lecture, in English, will look into what coffee tells us about society and politics. A coffee tasting will be offered at the end of the event.

The French Institute of Israel welcomes, for its next Café des Sciences, Noa Berger, Israeli sociologist, specialist of coffee coming from France and Brazil. Entitled "Beyond taste: political and social aspects of coffee", Noa Berger's lecture, given in English, will dissect the coffee harvest and its social and political consequences. A coffee tasting will be offered at the end of the event.

About Noa Berger
Noa Berger is a researcher, lecturer and content creator specialized in coffee culture. She is currently finishing her PhD in Sociology, focusing on the specialty coffee market in Brazil and France, at the EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) in Paris. Her research is part of the sociological research project "emotional commodities" headed by Eva Illouz, Franco-Israeli sociologist, director of studies at the EHESS. Noa Berger studies the links between commodification and emotions in the field of coffee. She works in particular on “the third wave of coffee” in France and Brazil and its social and political repercussions (return to filter coffee: well executed, highlighting origins and regions). The notions of “terroir” and “attachment to the land” are also at the heart of her research work.

Amongst her professional projects, Noa Berger contributed as a scientific advisor and book editor for the “Coffee: East and West” exhibition organized by the Islamic Arts Museum in Jerusalem in 2021. She is also content and lectures manager for the Paris and Tel-Aviv coffee festival. Her work has been featured in journals and magazines such as Le Monde, Haaretz, Gastronomica or Bloomsbury. She is a recurring guest in TV and radio shows and she participated in events at the Specialty Coffee Association, the Israeli Embassy in Serbia, the Pompidou Center in France, the Soho House and more

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מידע כללי

Beyond taste: social and political aspects of coffee
Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 |7pm
Café Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31

Conversation held in english
Free entrance

Registration on line required