מדע וקפה | "Shared appetites: tasting history from Baghdad to Paris"



"Shared appetites: tasting history from Baghdad to Paris"
A conference by historian Limor Yungman 

Tuesday September 12, 7.00p.m.
Cafe Kiosko | 31 HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel Tel Aviv-Yafo

The French Institute of Israel is pleased to welcome for its upcoming Café des Sciences in September the French-speaking Israeli historian Limor Yungman, specialist in medieval Arab cuisine and the history ogf taste (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). The lecture, in English, will be held at Café Kiosko in Tel Aviv on September 12 at 7:00 p.m.

Social and cultural historian specializing in the culinary history of the medieval and early modern Islamic world, Limor Yungman currently works on food in the Middle East. As part of her research, she is particularly interested in the notion of continuity between the past and the present. She also works on the notion of sharing (ingredients, practices) in the Middle East, particularly in the context of the medieval and pilgrim market.

During this lecture, Limor Yungman will share with us the results of her research on culinary practices, gastronomic discourse, the social and political implications of food and the evolution of taste in the Middle East. She will also present the exhibition “Tastes of Heaven: Tales of the Arab Kitchen” presented at the Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem since July and available until May 2024. Limor Yungman is the curator of the exhibition and co-editor of its catalogue that is expected to be published in September.

About Limor Yungman:
Limor Yungman is a fellow at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her postdoctoral project focuses on the formation and dissemination of Arabic cuisine through analysis of Arabic culinary manuscripts. Fluent in French, Limor Yungman completed her PhD thesis on Medieval Arab cuisine in 2020 at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. In France, she collaborated also with the European Institute of Food History and Culture (IEHCA) in Tours, France.

מידע כללי


“Shared appetites: tasting history from Baghdad to Paris” 
A lecture by French-speaking Israeli historian Limor Yungman

Tuesday September 12, 2023 | 7 p.m.
Café Kiosko | HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel 31

In English
Free entrance
Registration on Event Brite