Pitching of Atelier Produire au Sud projects | Studio Darom


Pitching of Atelier Produire au Sud projects | Studio Darom
An initiative of the Sapir Academic College of Sderot and the Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes

June 22, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
French Institute of Tel Aviv | Rothschild 7

The Producing in the South Workshop | Sudio Darom, a joint initiative of the Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes and the Sapir Academic College in Sderot, supported since its launch in 2014 by the French Institute in Israel, offers emerging Israeli producers and directors a training program in international co-production, in order to help them co-produce their fiction feature film with French and international partners.

The 8th edition of the workshop in Israel will take place this year from June 18 to 22, 2023 at Kibbutz Alumim and the French Institute in Tel Aviv.

4 fiction projects in development were selected this year, represented by 4 pairs of producers/directors:

Directed by Esti ALMO-WEXLER
Produced by Elad WEXLER

Directed by Uriya HERTZ
Produced by Tal MOSKOVICH

Neverland, Forever
Directed by Hadas NEUMAN
Produced by Adar SHAFRAN

The Good Fence
Directed by Hillel RATE
Produced by Lev ORLOV

These 8 young professionals will be accompanied during the week by professional speakers to work on their feature film project and direct it to international markets:

Amir Harel, Lama Films, producer – Israel
Dominique Welinski, DW, producer – France
Stefano Tealdi, Stefilm, pitch expert – Italy
Thomas Pibarot, Le Pacte, international seller – France
Gualberto Ferrari, script consultant & documentary director – France & Argentina
Ori Sivan, script consultant – Israel

To close the workshop, a pitching session will be held at the French Institute in Tel Aviv on Thursday, June 22, during which the 4 pairs will be able to present their film project to a wider professional audience.

The meeting is also open to the general public.


מידע כללי

Pitching of Atelier Produire au Sud projects | Studio Darom
An initiative of the Sapir Academic College of Sderot and the Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes

June 22, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
French Institute of Tel Aviv | Rothschild 7

No registration – Session in English